Bread Recipes

Craft Your Own Wholesome Journey To Health

Using our premium ingredients, the bread recipe below is a great place to start…


Bread Recipe

Ingredients for one loaf:
420g of milling wheat flour
180g of strong white flour
2 tsp of easy bake dried yeast
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of light brown soft sugar
340mls of warm water
Method (optimised for a Kenwood mixer with dough hook):
1) Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
2) Pour water into your mixer bowl first, and then add the dry ingredients.
3) Mix on MIN until combined, then increase the speed to 1 and mix for 5 mins.
4) Shape your dough into a loaf shape and place into a buttered 2lb loaf tin. Cover with a plastic shower cap or place in a large plastic bag and leave to rise.  There is no need to “knock back” the dough.
5) About 20 mins before baking, preheat your oven to 260 °C (Fan 240 °C), Gas mark 9. Place a roasting pan at the bottom of the oven. Fill a cup with water and set aside.
6) When the dough has finished rising, remove shower cap/bag. Place the loaf tin in the oven, and pour the cup of water into the hot roasting pan to form steam (this stops the surface of the bread from cracking, helps to glaze it, and also softens the crust).
7) Immediately lower your oven temp to 200 °C (Fan 180 °C), Gas mark 6.
8) Bake for 35 mins or until golden brown and hollow-sounding when tapped.
Place on a wire rack to cool.
You can purchase wheat grains to mill yourself, or buy our freshly-milled flour.
The main page image was kindly provided by a customer and is of their long-fermented sourdough bread. The attached gallery image also comes courtesy of a customer, showing the delicious bread they made using the above recipe and our Lancashire Milling Wheat. 
If you have any tried and tested recipes you’d like to share, please send them to us.

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